Writer for The Christchurch Press Alex van Wel spent February immersing himself in convergent thinking - the coming together of all forms of journalism online. He was in America on Fairfax Media's Mike Robson Fellowship...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The elusive digital dollar...

You want to make a lot of money?
Yes, I hear you say.
Then come up with a solution to the crisis in the American newspaper industry. Work out how to make digital journalism pay.
But you better give yourself a lot of time.
Alex van Wel reports from New York.

(As published in The Christchurch Press, Saturday 13th March 2010.)

“Shift happens” they are mumbling in media boardrooms in the USA.
Eleven metropolitan dailies have closed down in the past two years alone, going by newspaperdeathwatch.com – a site chronicling their decline.
Others papers, including established names like the Boston Globe, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Chicago Sun-Times are believed to be under threat.
The twin troubles – recession and online – have devastated the industry.
Advertising revenue has evaporated in the downturn, and circulation has declined as web-users have proliferated, leaving executives searching desperately for a viable digital model.
With around 80 million broadband users across the US and mobile delivery becoming rampant, there’s been an inevitable surge in demand for online news.
The New York Times now boasts more than 20 million unique website hits a month. It offers an incredibly rich multi-media experience and has gained a far wider following than it ever had in print.
But - and it’s a big but - nobody knows how to effectively harness the traffic for commercial gain. Most US newspapers are still estimated to be getting at least 80 percent of their revenue from their print platforms.
In the digital world ‘monetisation’ has become everyone’s favourite word - even mine, and I still wear a Che Guevara T-shirt.
“Look, if I knew the answer, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you” one grey-haired and despondent senior manager admitted to me.
At the controls of a languishing South Carolina daily he’d given up the fight. “I’m here to defend print journalism. I’ll leave the future to others” he said, and asked not to be named.
In case he needed any reminder, a survey from the Pew Research Centre this month reported that more Americans were getting their daily news from the internet than from newspapers. Local and national television still remain their top source however, and there’s a happier message in that for newspapers here in New Zealand. Given we have no local TV, our local and regional papers may have an extended life.
That is certainly the view of visiting US academic and former newspaper editor Dr Kenton Bird, who is based at Waikato University for six months. “There is not the kind of local television in New Zealand that competes for advertising dollars as it does in mid-size US cities” he said “the base of advertising for, in particular retail, real estate and automotive seems quite strong. And in the states a portion of those advertisers would be siphoned off to other media, primarily local television.”
If he’s right, the question then is simply whether the newspapers survive in printed or digital form.
Leading New York media commentator Jay Rosen told me the latter is inevitable, and print organisations had no choice but to re-define themselves from the inside out.
“What they need to do is find low cost ways of experimenting with a lot of different paths, update their technological literacy, get some new people, change their culture, change their attitude towards risk, and change their philosophy towards investment, all at once” he said.

Watch full quote here

Right, so nothing too daunting then. Viewed from the New York Times pristine new coffee shop, high up in the man-made mountains of Manhattan, it all seemed logical.
But at the NYT too, reality is kicking in. During one quarter last year their print subscriptions almost matched their advertising revenue. It was simply another reminder of how the old model was being torn apart – advertisements used to make up the lion’s share of a newspaper’s income.
The truth is that subscription across the industry is now much more significant, and so getting online news consumers to pay for content is critical. Many media managers were quietly applauding Rupert Murdoch’s recent stance in all this. He’s famously threatened to erect pay-walls on all his newspaper websites.
For its part, the NYT has announced it will introduce a limited pay-wall in 2011, charging customers beyond a specified number of articles.
In this context, it’s easy to understand the excitement which accompanied the unveiling of Apple’s iPad in January – a device which could help lubricate the leap to subscription for digital content.

Watch a demonstration of the New York Times on the iPad

But few see it or any other electronic tablet as a lone saviour for print, no matter how portable or user-friendly they become. Most now accept that only a combination of revenue streams will ensure survival.
The prestigious Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University in New York – home of the Pulitzer Prize – even commissioned a study into the changing times, called the Reconstruction of American Journalism.
It controversially promoted greater involvement of the non-profit sector, even government subsidies.
Nicholas Lemann, the School’s Dean, told me there was no doubt US media executives were no longer quite as bullish about online prospects.
“With a few exceptions, it is not paying for itself. And there is a growing doubt that the original model - which was free content and all income would come from display advertising - is working” he said “so, what I sense out there is more scepticism right now, today, about that leap of faith, than there was 3 or 4 years ago.”
Even the most forward-thinking newspapers are feeling subdued.
The tiny Shelby Star newspaper in North Carolina has revolutionised its internal culture over the past five years. Supported by its large owner, Freedom Communications, it has become digital first and has watched its internet traffic rocket. But Publisher Skip Foster said that in terms of digital revenue it was still groping in the dark, and needed to be more invasive when it came to advertising.

Skip Foster, Publisher, Shelby Star
“That’s the nut we haven’t cracked” he said in a frustrated southern drawl “we’re given away the content for God’s sake, and now we’re scared about annoying people with pop-ups and all these different types of advertising. Screw that! If you are going to get it for free, then by God you need to sit through a 10 second commercial before you even get to go to the site!”
The depressing US experience leaves New Zealand newspapers wondering how to map out a digital future. They’ve been feeling the twin troubles two, but not like in the US. Most difficult is justifying multi-media investment in the absence of an alternative business model. And, if better online content only accelerates the migration there, why go for it at all?
Perhaps because digital offers a new range of engaging story-telling tools. If there is one thing editors agree on in the US, it is how digital can enhance the news consumer experience. We’re talking about adding audio, video, and interactive elements to our words and still pictures.
And, while people currently in the 50s and 60s may never own a tablet, younger readers – the core customers of the future – will, and they are likely to demand that fuller and richer experience. The trick is keeping the print product strong while uplifting the online offering.
Oh, and of course you must not forget to work out how to pay for all the sparkling new digital toys. Editorial enterprise is one thing, but it is creativity in media boardrooms which is now most in demand.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Doing digital...

Writer for The Christchurch Press Alex van Wel is immersing himself in convergent thinking - the coming together of all forms of journalism online. He's in America on Fairfax Media's Mike Robson Fellowship. In Manhattan on day six, he spent the morning watching from the inside at the prestigious New York Times.

Times Square, 7th Ave & Broadway, NYC
Times Square may be where visitors try to take the pulse of the American media, but it's a block away at the New York Times where they'll find its digital heart.
At last count, the NYT online edition was getting more than 20 million unique website hits a month (Nielsen, September 2009) putting it in the enviable company of the web giants - like the UK's Guardian newspaper.

There’s no doubt digital journalism has changed the rhythm in the NYT's gleaming Manhattan HQ.
New York Times building, 620 8th Ave, Manhattan
Its core web team is positioned in the centre of its 1100-strong newsroom, running the "live" site.
In the middle sits the Homepage Editor, staring intently at two large computer screens, writing, messaging, issuing instructions - pausing only occasionally. Around him, an army of writers feeds the machine.

It's much like a traditional broadcast environment - a 24-hour operation, with constant updates, headline and content changes.
No longer just focused on the morning print edition, the NYT staff know that news online means different mediums, diverse content, interactivity and immediacy.

The paper has around 100 web producers to make it all come together online. They are not there to write original copy, but to ensure the best of the organisation’s content is displayed in the most engaging and imaginative way possible.
For them multi-media is a playground, not an obligation.
They have a vital production role, but are also quietly referred to as "change agents" - gently coaxing the organisation out of any lingering old ways and into the new.
The NYT sees digital as an opportunity to use a much wider range of tools to tell its stories, and it wants to be the best at it.

Take a look at this business piece on the shenanigans behind private equity. Once through the introduction, you'll see a range of choices appear...

But it’s not only on the big stories. A lot of time was given to this ‘feature’ on a local New York neighbourhood, Harlem…

On politics, the paper will carefully draw on its in-house knowledge…

And on foreign stories it’ll think carefully how to get its readers closer to the story being told…

Most striking though - digitally-speaking - is the NYT’s morning editorial meeting. The Executive Editor and his section heads arrive promptly at 10.30. They seat themselves around a huge, oval-shaped table in a cavernous room.
Visitors sit behind on two sides, in straight rows. Close to 30 people attend the meeting, but the space still seems un-filled.
The atmosphere is relaxed, but highly-ordered.
At one end of the room is a colossal viewing screen, and on it the NYT home page peers down, a commanding presence.

The Digital News Editor is the first to speak.
He discusses the current headline, and the multi-media offering around it.
Next he scrolls down the page to highlight various stories.
Then he talks about what will be coming up online during the day.
The entire room is drawn into the digital offering, editors silently prodded to consider how they may fit in over the next 24 hours.
Only then is the next morning's paper discussed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Toying with TV...

Writer for The Christchurch Press Alex van Wel is immersing himself in convergent thinking - the coming together of all forms of journalism online. He's in America on Fairfax Media's Mike Robson Fellowship, travelling from South Carolina up to New York. In the nation's capital on his 5th day, he dropped in on a landmark publication.

The Washington Post is not the kind of paper to dabble with new ideas in an unfocused manner.
As the preferred read of America’s governing elite, it offers some of the best political reporting available, and still counts Watergate investigative journalist Bob Woodward among its staff.

Video has been on the paper’s agenda since print publications moved to the web at the end of the last decade.
Now it’s ramped up its capability, with a state of the art new facility.
It knows that attracting traffic to its website means competing with all mediums, including live TV news.
Last Friday the paper quite consciously went head to head with national television when Tiger Woods emerged to apologize for cheating on his wife.
The Post’s assistant managing editor for news video has a track record in broadcast tv...

The spark for all this is the bottom line.
Newspaper executives began by simply experimenting with video, with not too much concern about shaky camera-work or inaudible sound. But not anymore: there's a realization that advertisers are not going line their products up next to amateur packages.
It's tricky though. Web users are being asked to transform their perceptions of newspapers, in much the same way that the journalists are having to redefine their roles.
Chet Rhodes again...

Capitol Hill, Washington DC

Not all newspapers in the US see it this way, though. Smaller, local papers know the cannot compete on national or foreign stories. Some are also reluctant to use resources trying to beat local TV crews to breaking news in a medium in which they lack the expertise. Many only use video to go behind the headlines and tell more personal stories.
There are limitations of course, too. It cannot just be video for the sake of it. TV just doesn't lend itself to complex political stories. It is good with emotion and personal tales, but looks horribly out of shape when it tries to tackle something like the detail of legislation.

Rhodes believes the perfect formula is still to evolve.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mixing mediums...

Writer for The Christchurch Press Alex van Wel is immersing himself in convergent thinking - the coming together of all forms of journalism online. He's in America on Fairfax Media's Mike Robson Fellowship, travelling from South Carolina up to New York. On day three he spent a morning with the Shelby Star newspaper in North Carolina - a paper firmly embracing the digital age.

Yup...it's a video news provider, a newspaper, and an online and interactive source of local information - an entirely new media animal.
Once upon a time it was simply a print publication, but for the past few years the Star in North Carolina has been blurring age-old distinctions.
It defines itself minute by minute, in line with the way the news-day unfolds.

For reporters, it was adapt or die...

So, while circulation dwindles and print executives in the US grope around in the dark for a solution to their revenue crisis, a new genre of journalism is quietly emerging from their thinned-out newsrooms. It’s one in which immediacy, interactivity, and multi-media is becoming key.

(Day 4)
The Roanoke Times in Virginia this week held an unprecedented multi-media brainstorming session with its staff - to firmly embed valuable experiences gained over the past few years.
It learned a thing or two during the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007.

In essence it's about making sure the cultural shift is firmly in place.

But some worry the new focus may dumb down the offering and reduce reporters to no more than ‘content-gatherers’, stretched to deliver on so many different platforms.
“Do I film, tweet, scribble or e-mail?” they ask.
Gone is the long lunch...and time to think, as one senior journalist put it.
The concern is that careful analysis and reflection could be lost in the much busier lives of today’s reporters. Traditional print writers are increasingly being expected to understand moving film, graphics, audio and still pictures - as well as being masters of the written word.
It's not an issue, though, according to the Shelby Star's advocate of change.

Friday, February 19, 2010

All in the mind...

Writer for The Christchurch Press Alex van Wel is immersing himself in convergent thinking - the coming together of all forms of journalism online. He's in America on Fairfax Media's Mike Robson Fellowship, and travelling from South Carolina up to New York. On day one and two he visited Newsplex in the city of Columbia, a centre devoted to the multi-media world.

“Don’t worry about the technology!” barks journalism guru Randy Covington “just focus on the story.”
The Newsplex director has one objective in life: to de-mystify the ‘new’ media, and make it easy for reporters to embrace the digital age.
In his view, those who try to over-complicate the world of blogs, tweets, platforms and tablets should be taken outside and given a damn good thrashing.
With the very real crisis in the US newspaper industry, there’s just no time for it.
Here’s his message to us.

A bit over the top? I don’t think so. Here's a little peek at The State Newspaper in Columbia. Its Online editor Gary Ward is chasing after a fire which has already badly burned his staff.

Of course, it's not as if the internet is delivering a silver bullet. It's the complete opposite, the migration of readers online the root of the problem. “We’re trading analog dollars for digital dimes” laughs Covington, echoing the dry words of Universal CEO Jeff Zucker. Newspapers are left trying to work out how to make the dimes add up to something. Some are moving seriously into moving film and gathering their own quality footage. They know companies are much more willing to pay for pre-roll – the adverts which precede video-clips, because viewers are much more engaged. But at the moment television is often still clipping the ticket, on Stuff at any rate.

An alternative business model is struggling to be born. All kinds of wild ideas are being thrown about - even a US government subsidy for public service journalism. And there are still mutterings about full or limited pay-walls. One newspaper executive here told me everyone is standing still, looking anxiously from side to side to see who will make the first move. If the damage isn’t too bad and they survive, then we’ll all fall into line, he said, refusing to be named. A few big players – the New York Times and the Daily Telegraph in Britain – have set up specialist units to brainstorm. Everyone in the business is trying to pierce the future, to work out what it’s all going to look like. It could look just like this…